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What does the name asynchronous mean?

Asked by Addyson Coffey on Nov 29, 2021 FAQ

In general, asynchronous (pronounced ay-SIHN-kro-nuhs, from Greek asyn, meaning not with, and chronos, meaning time) is an adjective describing objects or events that are not coordinated in time.
What is Asynchronous Format. 1. The format of the communication and interaction with no real time and live components of the system.
Keeping this in consideration, Asynchronous communication. In telecommunications, asynchronous communication is transmission of data, generally without the use of an external clock signal, where data can be transmitted intermittently rather than in a steady stream.
The required number of logic gates to design asynchronous counters is very less. So they are simple in design. Another name for Asynchronous counters is “Ripple counters”. The number of flip flops used in a ripple counter is depends up on the number of states of counter (ex: Mod 4, Mod 2 etc).
GetStringAsync returns a Task<TResult>, where TResult is a string, and AccessTheWebAsync assigns the task to the getStringTask variable. The task represents the ongoing process for the call to GetStringAsync, with a commitment to produce an actual string value when the work is complete.