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What does the delegate of a uitableview object do?

Asked by Melissa Coffey on Dec 13, 2021 FAQ

The delegate of a UITableView object must adopt the UITableViewDelegate protocol. Optional methods of the protocol allow the delegate to manage selections, configure section headings and footers, help to delete and reorder cells, and perform other actions.
The datasource is generally an array and you would use the row property that is accessible through the indexPath argument. A UITableViewDelegate doesn’t really need to be implemented, but it will depend on how you want your table view to react to input from the user.
Next, A UITableViewSource object is responsible for managing the relationship between the relatively few UITableViewCell s and the data is to be displayed. The UITableViewSource 's NumberOfSections (UITableView) and RowsInSection (UITableView, nint) methods allow the UITableView to request only the data necessary for the cells on the screen.
One may also ask,
This method is an optional method of the UITableViewDelegate protocol. All methods in the UITableViewDelegate protocol as optional. In the implementation we call the selectedCell method when we tap the cell. When the user taps the cell it will pass the indexPath.row as an argument to the selectedCell method.
The UITableViewSource 's NumberOfSections (UITableView) and RowsInSection (UITableView, nint) methods allow the UITableView to request only the data necessary for the cells on the screen. A specific cell is identified by an NSIndexPath, whose Section and Row properties will specify a unique cell.