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What does "syntax error" or "invalid syntax" mean in python?

Asked by Aubrey Schaefer on Dec 12, 2021 FAQ

An invalid syntax error means that there is a line that python doesn't know what to do with. The last common type of syntax error you will likely encounter has to do with indention. You may see unindent does not match any outer indention level unexpected indent.
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Generally, double quotes are used for string representation and single quotes are used for regular expressions, dict keys or SQL. Hence both single quote and double quotes depict string in python but it’s sometimes our need to use one type over the other.
Thereof, The interpreter will find any invalid syntax in Python during this first stage of program execution, also known as the parsing stage. If the interpreter can’t parse your Python code successfully, then this means that you used invalid syntax somewhere in your code. The interpreter will attempt to show you where that error occurred.
It's Python! If you want to print ‘WithQuotes’ in python, this can’t be done with only single (or double) quotes alone, it requires simultaneous use of both. The choice between both the types (single quotes and double quotes) depends on the programmer’s choice.
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Not ending an if statement with the colon is an example of an syntax error, as is misspelling a Python keyword (e.g. using whille instead of while). Syntax error usually appear at compile time and are reported by the interpreter.