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What does numpy.cosh ( x out ) do?

Asked by Aubrey Lynch on Dec 08, 2021 FAQ

numpy.cosh(x out]) = ufunc ‘cos’) : This mathematical function helps user to calculate hyperbolic cosine for all x(being the array elements). Equivalent to 1/2 * (np.exp(x) - np.exp(-x)) and np.cos(1j*x).
The Python numpy cos function returns the cosine value of a given array. np.cos (arr1) np.cos (arr2) np.cos (arr3) np.cos (arr6)
Accordingly, The Python cosh Function allows you to find the trigonometric hyperbolic Cosine for the numeric values. In this cosh example, we are going to find the hyperbolic Cosine values for different data types and display the output
In addition,
NumPy is a programming language that deals with multi-dimensional arrays and matrices. On top of the arrays and matrices, NumPy supports a large number of mathematical operations. In this part, we will review the essential functions that you need to know for the tutorial on ‘ TensorFlow .’
Also Know,
The Python numpy cosh function prints the hyperbolic cosine value of all the elements in a given Python array. The Python numpy tanh function display the hyperbolic tangent values of a given array.