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What does libgdx mean for open source games?

Asked by Allan Carlson on Dec 06, 2021 FAQ

From a diverse team of open source enthusiasts comes libGDX, a cross-platform game development framework that allows programmers to write, test, and debug Java games on a desktop PC running Windows, Linux, or Mac OS X and deploy that same code to Android, iOS and WebGL-enabled browsers—something not widely available right now.
LibGDX is a cross-platform game development framework in Java that makes game programming easier and fun to do. It currently supports Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, Android, and HTML5. With a vast feature set on offer, there isn't a game that can’t be made using libGDX.
Just so, You can just use SpriteBatch if you all you want from libgdx is to draw on the screen. If you want a little more structure (you probably do), you can also work with the 2D scene graph, scene2d. When using scene2d, you create Actor s and add them to the Stage, and then libgdx calls their update, draw, and touchevent functions for you.
Keeping this in consideration,
Because many users suggested switching to a different license due to LGPL not being suitable for Android, libGDX changed its license to the Apache License 2.0 in July 2010, making it possible to use the framework in closed-source commercial games.
One may also ask,
In the middle of 2009 Mario Zechner, the creator of libGDX, wanted to write Android games and started developing a framework called AFX (Android Effects) for this.