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What does hostapd mean on a raspberry pi?

Asked by Mathias Gonzalez on Dec 10, 2021 FAQ

The daemon hostapd is a Linux service which enables a “host” computer to become a WiFi Access Point (AP). Thus “host” + “AP” + “d” (for daemon) gives the name hostapd.
sudo /usr/sbin/hostapd /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf To manually run hostapd with our configuration file. You should see it set up and use wlan0 then you can check with another wifi computer that you see your SSID show up. If so, you have successfully set up the access point.
Accordingly, Once the RPi is up and running the wifi icon near the clock should now be two arrows facing opposite directions This means it is an access point. On a Tablet, phone or Laptop scan for wifi signals. You should see one for RPiHotSpot. Select this as the wifi signal to connect to. The password is what you setup in the hostapd.conf file.
If you just want to use the Pi as a standalone WiFi access point, you can stop here. If you want to connect it to another network (over Ethernet) in order to share Internet (much like a WiFi router), continue on.
# cases. By default, hostapd is configured to use gid 0 (root). If you # and change this value to match with that group. Add users that should have # control interface access to this group.