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What does guna.winforms mean?

Asked by Briggs Floyd on Dec 15, 2021 FAQ

Guna. UI2. WinForms Guna UI is the suite for creating groundbreaking desktop app UI. It is for developers targeting the .NET Windows Forms platform. Guna UI guarantees faster development and improved productivity. Guna UI currently work with C# and VB.NET languages, specifically and specially designed for Windows Forms applications.
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The Ookii.Dialogs.WinForms.CredentialDialog class provide wrappers for the CredUI functionality first introduced in Windows XP. This class provides functionality for saving and retrieving generic credentials, as well as displaying the credential UI dialog.
Consequently, All projects are using .NET Framework 4.7.2. When I select the Control Library project, I am able to select Telerik > Telerik UI for WinForms > Convert to Telerik Controls and the App Converter wizard displays.
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The.NET Winforms WebBrowser control exposes an API that allows an application to embed and control a browser rendering engine. It does this on.NET by wrapping the COM interfaces exposed by IE and exposing a subset of the features that those COM interfaces provide, enough to load and manipulate web pages.
Windows Forms ("WinForms" for short) is a GUI class library included with the.NET Framework. It is a sophisticated object-oriented wrapper around the Win32 API, allowing the development of Windows desktop and mobile applications that target the.NET Framework. WinForms is primarily event-driven.