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What does grep -v grep do?

Asked by Jaylah Rowe on Dec 04, 2021 FAQ

-v means "invert the match" in grep, in other words, return all non matching lines. | is the pipe character, it takes the output of the command on the left hand side, and uses it as the input of the command on the right hand side. bc is like a command line calculator (to do basic math).
Grep stands for Global regular expression print. As the name implies, Grep is used to search text files with regular expressions (shortly regex). It prints the lines matching the given pattern in a text file. If no file is given, grep will recursively search the given pattern in the files in current directory.
In respect to this, Awk is a programming language that is strictly focused on pattern matching and reporting from text files. Grep is mainly useful for searching for text within text files or input. Grep is mostly useful at the command line or in shell scripts. Sed is much more powerful than most people realize, and can do a lot.
The 'grep' command is used to search a given file for patterns specified by the user . Basically 'grep' lets you enter a pattern of text and then it searches for this pattern within the text that you provide it. It returns all the lines that have the given pattern or string in them.
Difference Between grep and find Command in UNIX Definition. The grep is a command line utility for searching plain text data sets for lines matching a regular expression. Usage. A grep command helps to scan documents and to represent the result according to a specified format whereas a find command helps to search and locate files in the ... Syntax. ... Conclusion. ...