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What does customedit do in tree listview?

Asked by Makenna Todd on Dec 07, 2021 FAQ

The CustomEdit class is not described here. This class will receive all messages sent to the edit box. It handles the messages and show the custom control instead of the standard edit box of the ListView. When the LVN_CUSTOMDRAW message is sent, the function CustomDraw is called to customize the draw behavior.
Just so,
Uses a TreeListViewItemCollection that replaces the ListViewItemCollection class used in the ListView control. This class is also used for the Items property in the TreeListViewItem class that contains the childs of an item.
In addition, You typically specify the text of an item's label when adding the item to the tree-view control. The TVM_INSERTITEM message includes a TVITEM structure that defines the item's properties, including a string containing the text of the label.
Ties a ListView and a TreeView together in a TreeListView class that includes BeforeExpand, AfterExpand, BeforeCollapse, AfterCollapse events, Uses a TreeListViewItem class that includes Expand function, Collapse functions, IsExpanded property,
One may also ask,
What we are interested in this control is its treelistview functionality. ObjectListView.dll is a control library, and the requested functionality is provided by the TreeListView control from it (which is actually a descendant of ObjectListView):