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What does click click click on 1845c mean?

Asked by Kyle Quintero on Nov 30, 2021 FAQ

I have an 1845C and it hasn't missed a beat as long as I can remember. Click Click Click means that either you don't have enough capacity (high resistence) at the starter or the ground side does not have a good path back to battery (high resistence). Both very important.
The visitor of the website will find itself on a flat white website with one single green button in the centre of the screen. Confronted with this empty screen the user (called ‘the subject’) most likely will be triggered to act with his mouse. Then the story starts.
Keeping this in consideration, Click is a term used to describe the action of pressing a mouse button (usually the left mouse button, if the mouse has two buttons) one or more times. Depending on the computer you are using or the software program you are in will change the action performed when clicking the mouse button.
With a mouse with two or more buttons, the single-click defaults to the left mouse button, which may also be known as left-clicking. Pressing the default mouse button twice quickly opens or executes a program or opens a file. For example, while in Microsoft Windows or most other operating systems double-clicking a program icon opens that program.
In Microsoft Word, right-clicking in the word processor would give you opens like the ability to cut and copy text. For right-handed users, the right-click is done with the middle finger on the right hand. Pressing the middle button on a three-button mouse or using the mouse wheel as a button performs a pre-programmed option.