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What do you call a function in elixir?

Asked by Livia Decker on Dec 03, 2021 FAQ

Functions defined using the fn..end construct are anonymous functions. These functions are sometimes also called as lambdas. They are used by assigning them to variable names. Functions defined using the def keyword are named functions. These are native functions provided in Elixir.
In respect to this,
Functions defined using the def keyword are named functions. These are native functions provided in Elixir. Just as the name implies, an anonymous function has no name. These are frequently passed to other functions. To define an anonymous function in Elixir, we need the fn and end keywords.
Similarly, A function is a set of statements organized together to perform a specific task. Functions in programming work mostly like function in Math. You give functions some input, they generate output based on the input provided. There are 2 types of functions in Elixir − Functions defined using the fn..end construct are anonymous functions.
Using anonymous functions is such a common practice in Elixir there is shorthand for doing so: As you probably already guessed, in the shorthand version our parameters are available to us as &1, &2, &3, and so on. Pattern matching isn’t limited to just variables in Elixir, it can be applied to function signatures as we will see in this section.
The term curry/currying was coined back in the 60s referring to the logician Haskell Curry. The programming language named after him has curried functions built in, and many other languages have implemented the same kind of behavior via libraries. Elixir is a functional language, but unlike Haskell, it does not have built in function currying.