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What can you do with packetbeat for logstash?

Asked by Aarav Gardner on Dec 07, 2021 FAQ

It can be used to extract useful fields of information from network transactions before shipping them to one or more destinations, including Logstash. This is useful for troubleshooting and detecting performance hits. Download the packetbeat Windows zip file from the official downloads page.
Filebeat, as its name implies, is used for collecting and shipping log files and is also the most commonly used beat. One of the facts that make Filebeat so efficient is the way it handles backpressure — so if Logstash is busy, Filebeat slows down its read rate and picks up the beat once the slowdown is over.
Accordingly, Once done, start Packetbeat: Packetbeat data can be ingested directly into Elasticsearch or forwarded to Logstash before ingestion into Elasticsearch. Since we do not yet have a native log shipper for Packetbeat, we’re going to use Filebeat to input the file exported by Packetbeat into
Packetbeat captures network traffic between servers, and as such can be used for application and performance monitoring. Packetbeat can be installed on the server being monitored or on its own dedicated server. Packetbeat tracks the network traffic, decodes the protocols, and records data for each transaction.
In this manner,
Packetbeat is an open-source data shipper and analyzer for network packets that are integrated into the ELK Stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana).