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What are some things you need to know about phpunit?

Asked by Amara Long on Dec 09, 2021 FAQ

1. Installing PHPUnit 2. Writing Tests for PHPUnit 3. The Command-Line Test Runner 4. Fixtures 5. Organizing Tests 6. Risky Tests 7. Incomplete and Skipped Tests 8. Test Doubles 9. Code Coverage Analysis 10. Extending PHPUnit 1.
Also Know,
The manual installation process is a bit more work, but, trust me, your fully tested consistent code will thank you for it. With PHPUnit, the most basic thing you’ll write is a test case. A test case is just a term for a class with several different tests all related to the same functionality.
Keeping this in consideration, The most important thing to notice here is the test prefix on the method name. Like the Test suffix for class names, this test prefix tells PHPUnit what methods to run when testing. If you forget the test prefix, then PHPUnit will ignore the method.
The methods need to be public. You can have private methods in your tests, but they won’t be run as tests by PHPUnit. The test methods will never receive any parameters. When you write your tests, you need to make them as self-contained as possible, pulling in what they need themselves.
This tutorial assumes that you use PHP 7.2 or PHP 7.3. You will learn how to write simple unit tests as well as how to download and run PHPUnit. Please note that PHPUnit 8 is only supported until February 5, 2021. Also note that PHP 7.2 is no longer actively supported .