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What are google gravity, google anti gravity and google zero gravity?

Asked by Lilly Blackwell on Dec 04, 2021 FAQ

Let’s know today how to fun with google and google’s pranks like Google Gravity, Google Anti Gravity , Google Zero Gravity , then you are at right place today we are going to share about following Google pranks. Google gravity is simple google trick to give the screen a life. It rejuvenates our eyes.
Just so,
Zero Gravity trick is trick of Google where you can see the Google Home screen just displayed opposite of Google like when we see yourselves in a mirror. Visit “”. Inside the Google Search box type “Google Zero Gravity”. Click on “I’m Feeling Lucky”, instead of “Google Search”.
Keeping this in consideration, Inside the Google Search box type “Google Anti Gravity”. Click on “I’m Feeling Lucky”, instead of “Google Search”. Now that you are on the “Google Anti Gravity” page, you will notice that all the elements are floating like – they are in space. You can move every element of the Google Homepage with your mouse.
Visiting in a search page by Google Gravity you can see that the results will not fall straight wards and will float on different corners. And will fall like slow moving objects in the space where gravity level is almost zero. This is another amazing Google Gravity trick which can be called as Google on steroids.
Here are the Top 6 Funny Tricks of Google Gravity by which you can play with Google Home Page and make it more interesting: 1. Google Gravity 2. Google Anti Gravity 3. Google Zero Gravity 4. Google Underwater 5. Google Sphere 6. Google do a barrel roll 1. Google Gravity