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Were noah's three sons three different colors?

Asked by Dylan Molina on Dec 13, 2021 FAQ

In order to explain the variations in skin color among the nations of the world today, many have postulated that Noah’s three sons were three different colors: Ham being dark-skinned, Shem being medium-skinned, and Japeth being light-skinned. From there, as it is supposed,...
As to Noah’s colour, there is no positive statement on this anywhere in scripture, but the answer is still there indirectly. Noah’s name means `rest’. This has no colour connotation whatsoever. Noah’s sons Ham, Shem and Japheth however have several colour clues hidden in their names. Ham is definitely Hebrew for dark.
One may also ask, Genesis 6:10 - And Noah begat three sons, Shem , Ham, and Japheth. Genesis 9:26 - And he said, Blessed [be] the LORD God of Shem ; and Canaan shall be his servant. 1 Chronicles 1:4 - Noah, Shem , Ham, and Japheth. 1 Chronicles 1:24 - Shem , Arphaxad, Shelah, Genesis 11:10 - These [are] the generations of Shem: Shem [was]...
Just so,
A distinct difference is seen in the reaction of the sons of Noah. Whereas Ham snickers and revels in Noah's mishap, Shem and Japheth immediately go to their fathers house, enter his room backwards, so as not to see their father in his shame, and cover his naked body.
In addition,
The offspring of Shem inherited the Promised Land, displacing the Canaanites, the descendants of Ham. Shem and Japheth received Noah's blessing because they had covered their father's drunken nakedness, while Ham, on the other hand, violated their father by looking at his nakedness. As a result, the descendants of Ham were cursed.