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Is there a way to use nuxt with vue 3?

Asked by Maren Hodges on Dec 08, 2021 FAQ

@nuxtjs/composition-api provides a way to use the Vue 3 Composition API in with Nuxt-specific features. Of course you could also continue to use Vue 2 with Nuxt. About 1.5 months ago, the official Nuxt Twitter mentioned posting a roadmap for Nuxt 3 soon
We are all super excited to use Nuxt.js with Vue 3 support. nuxt locked and limited conversation to collaborators on Aug 27, 2020. Copy link.
And, The tool to do that would be Nuxt. Nuxt is a framework that builds on top of Vue. One of its key features is Server Side Rendering. It creates fully populated documents from your Vue components and serves those. Those documents look like the finished website but don’t behave like it yet.
Nuxt offers better SEO improvement with its server-side rendering feature, faster development with auto-generic router, public share features and management with great configuration options and meta tags methods, automatic code splitting with pre-rendered pages – all of this is impossible or extremely complex to achieve with Vue.js.
Will keep this issue updated. Well, finally Vuejs 3 is in RC ( vuejs/rfcs#189 ), seems that third party libraries can upgrade it, because API will not suffer breaking changes in this state. @pi0, usually I don't like to ask dates of releases with major changes, because you know..., we are all developers.