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Is the word gabacho a bad word or a good word?

Asked by Erik Whitaker on Dec 08, 2021 FAQ

"Gabacho" isn't the only bad word we've got for you... Support the independent voice of Houston and help keep the future of Houston Press free. I was riding the local light rail when two female ­Mexicans sat down and started talking rapid-fire Spanish nonstop for 45 minutes!
Spanish: Gabacho. Type: Slang. Meaning: A slightly pejorative word referring to someone from the United States or to a Mexican, usually in the US, who acts like a gringo. It can also be used as an adjective referring to the United States or something American.
In this manner, Los gabachos inundan las playas españolas cada verano porque viven muy cerca.The French flood the Spanish beaches every summer because they live very close. A word or phrase that is commonly used in conversational speech (e.g. skinny, grandma).
Gabacha is also a word used in Guatemala for apron. In Central America, it is used to refer to certain types of coats, such as that of a doctor, a kindergarten student, a lab coat or a graduation vest. In the United States, it is a slang, derogatory term used for white Americans.
Keeping this in consideration,
Don't believe the hype, gabachos: We don't care caca about y'all, and the proof is in our respective slurs for each other.