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Is the manjaro operating system a consumer operating system?

Asked by Chaim Pierce on Dec 09, 2021 FAQ

Manjaro is not a consumer-oriented operating system. You have full control and you will not be prevented from breaking your own installation - but then again, breaking things and fixing them is half of the fun! On the other hand, if you are happy with the way it works you don’t have to change a thing.
In fact,
Manjaro Linux, or simply Manjaro /mənˈdʒɑːroʊ/, is an open source operating system for computers. It is a distribution of Linux based on the Arch Linux distribution.
Also Know, This article was originally published on my old blog. If you update your Manjaro Linux operating system to a newer version of the Linux kernel and the update fails. Your favorite Linux operating system might not boot anymore.
As a matter of fact, you have two options for doing this. One option is to create a dual boot system, which gives you a prompt when your computer boots up, asking you which operating system you’d like to load into. The second option is to install Manjaro on a virtual machine.
In the spirit of simplicity, Manjaro adheres to a rolling release schedule, which means you’ll never have to worry about reaching an end of life with the installed operating system. There are no long term support releases or anything like that, you just update the installed packages on your system to get Manjaro up to date.