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Is the independent sponsor model a new model?

Asked by Maximilian Stout on Dec 08, 2021 FAQ

The independent sponsor model is not new, but its popularity has really risen in the last five years. Still, for many the basics of the model remain a mystery. This article seeks to demystify the core components. We spoke to a number of independent sponsors and their advisors to lay out some of the core structures and challenges.
Independent sponsors turn to a wide range of capital sources, including committed capital PE funds, wealthy individuals, family offices, fund of fund investors, insurance companies, endowments, lenders, and hybrid equity/debt investors.
Besides, Independent sponsors reason that the time, energy and expense of raising a fund and managing limited partners could be better spent sourcing and closing transactions. Think of independent sponsors as the next level of entrepreneurship in private equity. Most independent sponsors run lean firms that are nimble and can respond quickly.
“A lot of independent sponsors favor the simplicity of non-hurdle-based carry, after return of capital, but many of our deals utilize a tiered structure,” Finger said. However, in a recent McGuire Woods survey of 225 independent sponsor transactions, 34% of those deals had a 20% to 30% carry structure without any performance hurdles.
Unlike a search fund, where an individual seeks a single company to buy and then lead, an independent sponsor does multiple deals.