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Is the if binding in knockout a custom binding?

Asked by Keilani Leonard on Dec 02, 2021 FAQ

It's not a custom binding. What you encountered is what knockout's documentation calls a "Virtual Element", it's a binding applied to a piece of code instead of an element. If you want to conditionally evaluate (i.e. bind to your viewmodel) a part of the DOM you can either put it inside a div with an if binding or put it inside comments like those.
Custom bindings are a powerful and exciting feature that seem to be often overlooked by newcomers to Knockout.js. They are the key to allowing Knockout to gracefully handle complex behaviors and/or control third-party components/widgets.
Accordingly, If you specify bindings without a value, Knockout will give the binding an undefined value. For example: This ability is especially useful when paired with binding preprocessing, which can assign a default value for a binding.
This is possible. Your binding can tell Knockout not to bind descendants at all, and then your custom binding can do whatever it likes to bind them in a different way. To do this, simply return { controlsDescendantBindings: true } from your binding’s init function.
In addition,
In a typical Knockout application, DOM elements are dynamically added and removed, for example using the template binding or via control-flow bindings ( if, ifnot, with, and foreach ). When creating a custom binding, it is often desirable to add clean-up logic that runs when an element associated with your custom binding is removed by Knockout.