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Is the history command a command or a command?

Asked by Amy Arellano on Dec 01, 2021 FAQ

If you are an experienced terminal user, you know about the power of history, but for us dabblers or new sysadmin folks, history is an immediate productivity gain. First of all, the history command isn't actually a command. You can see this for yourself by looking for the command on your system:
Executing simple history command from terminal will show you a complete list of last executed commands with line numbers. 2. List All Commands with Date and Timestamp How to find date and timestamp against command? With ‘export’ command with variable will display history command with corresponding timestamp when the command was executed.
Consequently, We can retrieve and reuse these stored commands to make the most of the history storage feature of the bash shell. The Linux bash has a very powerful command called “history”. This command is a built-in bash command that is used to extract history information about commands that have been executed by Linux users in all previous sessions.
In respect to this,
Command history. Command line history was added to Unix in Bill Joy 's C shell of 1978; Joy took inspiration from an earlier implementation in Interlisp. It quickly became popular because it made the C shell fast and easy to use. History has since become a standard feature in other shells, including ksh, bash and Microsoft 's cmd.exe.
Your computer can't find the history command because it's a built-in keyword of your shell. Because it's written into the shell you're using, there can be some variation in how history behaves depending on whether you're using Bash, tcsh, Zsh, dash, fish, ksh, and so on.