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Is the cronjob schedule based on a timezone?

Asked by Noa Rollins on Dec 13, 2021 FAQ

It runs a job periodically on a given schedule, written in Cron format. All CronJob schedule: times are based on the timezone of the kube-controller-manager.
Just set in your crontab file variable TZ=Some/Where You can set TZ several times to have separate jobs rund in separate timezones. For example: at 7:00 UTC (or timezone you have cron daemon run) three jobs will run, but each have its own TZ variable.
Moreover, CronJob. A Cron Job creates Jobs on a time-based schedule. One CronJob object is like one line of a crontab (cron table) file. It runs a job periodically on a given schedule, written in Cron format.
A Cron Job creates Jobs on a time-based schedule. One CronJob object is like one line of a crontab (cron table) file. It runs a job periodically on a given schedule, written in Cron format. Note: All CronJob schedule: times are based on the timezone of the master where the job is initiated.
The spec.schedule field defines when, and how often, the CronJob runs, using Unix standard crontab format. All CronJob times are in UTC. There are five fields, separated by spaces. These fields represent the following: You can use the following special characters in any of the spec.schedule fields: