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Is the 1405 date the base date or active duty date?

Asked by Gatlin Jimenez on Dec 02, 2021 FAQ

1405 Date - The 1405 Date is the Active Duty Base Date plus inactive duty service credit permitted under Title 10 USC Section 1405. This date is used as the basis for the multiplier for retired pay.
In fact,
This date is used as the basis for the multiplier for retired pay. 1405 Service is actually those Inactive Duty Training (IDT) points creditable toward retired pay that a reservist earned (normally prior to being ordered to continuous active duty service).
Thereof, BUT that time (1405 Time) does not, I say again, does not count toward our 20 AFS until we actually reach 20 AFS first, then HRO/DRAS will add that time to those 20 AFS.
· Active Duty Service Date (ADSD) is the date you entered active duty. It can be found on the DD Form 214, block 12a. · Separation Grade is the pay grade (i.e., E4, O3, etc.) at the time of your discharge from active duty. It can be found on the DD Form 214, block 4a or in field 3 of your last active duty LES.
10 U.S. Code § 1405. Years of service. his years of active service; the years of service, not included in clause (1) or (2), with which he would be entitled to be credited under section 12733 of this title if he were entitled to retired pay under section 12731 of this title.