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Is postgresql a nosql database?

Asked by Logan Atkins on Dec 08, 2021 FAQ

PostgreSQL is not NoSQL. PostgreSQL is a classical, relational database server (and syntax) supporting most of the SQL standards. On a sidenote, I suggest doing some research into the differences and advantages.
In respect to this,
MySQL is used in extremely high volume environments without problems. PostgreSQL's advanced features are more likely to be stable than the newer MySQL equivalents, having been implemented for longer. However, replication is much newer in PostgreSQL than MySQL, so the reverse applies.
Moreover, Disadvantages of NoSQL include lack of consistency as well as insufficient support for relational data. "Queries require re-architecting and recoding of existing products," according to one source.
Object-oriented databases play nicely with object-oriented programming languages. This post is one of a series that introduces the fundamentals of NOSQL databases, and their role in Big Data Analytics. What is an object-oriented Database?
NoSQL databases typically have focused on scalability and have renounced to data consistency by not providing transactions as OLTP system do. Operational databases are increasingly supporting distributed database architecture that can leverage distribution to provide high availability and fault tolerance through replication and scale out ability.