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Is it possible to pop a uinavigationcontroller?

Asked by Genevieve Mayer on Dec 13, 2021 FAQ

When navigating away from any pushed UIViewControllers, UINavigationControllers must pop the UIViewController. Though it is possible to present UIViewControllers both modally and via a push, UIViewControllers can only present other UIViewControllers.
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It is permissible to customize the navigation bar’s appearance-related properties but you must never change its frame, bounds, or alpha values directly. If you subclass UINavigationBar, you must initialize your navigation controller using the init (navigationBarClass:toolbarClass:) method.
Additionally, For all but the root view, the navigation controller provides a back button to allow the user to move back up the hierarchy. A navigation controller object manages its child view controllers using an ordered array, known as the navigation stack.
Supported interface orientations —A navigation controller object does not consult the view controllers on its navigation stack when determining the supported interface orientations. On iPhone, a navigation controller supports all orientations except portrait upside-down. On iPad, a navigation controller supports all orientations.
The navigation controller starts at the bottom of the stack and moves upward, encoding each view controller that also has a valid restoration identifier string. During the next launch cycle, the navigation controller restores the preserved view controllers to the navigation stack in the same order that they were preserved.