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Is it macos 10.16 or macos 11?

Asked by Antonio Jones on Dec 07, 2021 FAQ

However, developers who have now received the first beta version of macOS Big Sur to test, report that it identifies itself as macOS 10.16 . There is speculation that version 11 represents the edition of macOS Big Sur that has been produced for the new Apple Silicon system.
One may also ask,
Very little information is known about Apple’s macOS 10.16, but some inklings can be pulled from iOS 14 leaks. The ARM transition will likely take the spotlight for developers, however, as this release should be the first to support both ARM and Intel chipsets. The details of macOS 10.16 will be announced at WWDC 2020
And, There is speculation that version 11 represents the edition of macOS Big Sur that has been produced for the new Apple Silicon system. That would fit with how its number was shown on screen during Craig Federighi 's presentation about Apple Silicon.
macOS 11 Big Sur macOS Big Sur, unveiled in June 2020 at WWDC, is the newest version of macOS, was released on November 12. macOS Big Sur features an overhauled look, and it's such a big update that Apple bumped the version number to 11. That's right, macOS Big Sur is macOS 11.0.
In respect to this,
The new macOS Big Sur was unexpectedly shown in Apple's keynote as being version 11.0, but the version developers are getting is still being called 10.16. It's only a version number, but it's a significant one — and unusually confusing. Where there was much speculation over what Apple's new macOS would be named, there was none about the number.