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How to use wscript in vba-vba visual basic?

Asked by Deborah Thomas on Dec 14, 2021 FAQ

I just want to open a shull, run an executable which logs into a remote system, and then send "exit" to the shell so it quits. Works ok in VBS, but in VBA, I get an "Object Required" error on the sleep line. Thanks in advance... Be advised: Researchers have found another Descartes trueism, "Cogito ergo spud." "I think; therefore, I YAM!
VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) offers the same high performance tools as Visual Basic used within one Microsoft application to interact with another Microsoft application. VBA was initially an alternate programming choice for DIAdem (as opposed to VBScript). VBA was unnecessarily complex for the scripting tasks required.
Next, Under the Developer tab on the Ribbon in Excel, users can record mouse clicks and keystrokes (macros). However, some functions require more in-depth scripting than macros can provide. This is where VBA scripting becomes a huge benefit. It allows users to create more complex scripts. Did it Work?
The simplest VBA code that you write might simply gain access to objects in the Office application that you are working with and set properties. For example, you could get access to the rows in a table in Word and change their formatting in your VBA script.
Getting started with VBA in Office 1 When to use VBA and why. There are several principal reasons to consider VBA programming in Office. ... 2 VBA Programming 101. ... 3 Macros and the Visual Basic Editor. ... 4 Programming tips and tricks. ... 5 Going further with programming. ... 6 All of my Office applications: example code. ...