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How to use azure ml with azure devops?

Asked by Elianna Hahn on Nov 30, 2021 FAQ

This allows us to version control it. Once you have registered your ML model, you can use Azure ML + Azure DevOps to deploy it. The Package Model task packages the new model along with the scoring file and its python dependencies into a docker image and pushes it to Azure Container Registry.
Just so,
You have to use Python Script Step or Azure CLI Step in azure devops pipeline to trigger azure ml pipeline. To trigger azure ml pipeline using azure cli task in azure devops pipeline. You can check out below steps. 1, Create an azure pipeline.
Consequently, We will be using the Azure DevOps Project for build and release/deployment pipelines along with Azure ML services for model retraining pipeline, model management and operationalization. This template contains code and pipeline definitions for a machine learning project that demonstrates how to automate an end to end ML/AI workflow.
The solution example is built on the scikit-learn diabetes dataset but can be easily adapted for any AI scenario and other popular build systems such as Jenkins and Travis. Data Scientist writes/updates the code and push it to git repo. This triggers the Azure DevOps build pipeline (continuous integration).
In respect to this,
Register Model task takes the improved model and registers it with the Azure ML Model registry. This allows us to version control it. Once you have registered your ML model, you can use Azure ML + Azure DevOps to deploy it.