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How to use autocomplete in google search box?

Asked by Amalia Richards on Nov 29, 2021 FAQ

In the example script, a search box will display with a Google map. When the user starts typing an address, an autocomplete suggestion dropdown will appear from where the user can select a location. Once a place is selected, the respective location will be pointed on a Google Map with a marker and info window.
Using Google Maps JavaScript API and Places library, you can easily add an autocomplete places search box to a web page. We’ll use HTML and JavaScript to implement places search box with autocomplete address suggestion. In the example script, a search box will display with a Google map.
Besides, It can be found in Google’s search box, the Google app, and anywhere else that has a Google search box. The Autocomplete feature is powered by RankBrain, a key component of Google’s machine learning search algorithm, that uses deep learning that helps users get better results.
To view the autocomplete location search, create the view file, it allows us to integrate Google autocomplete search box in Codeigniter. Create the index.php view file in app/Views/, then update the app/Views/index.php with given code.
Also Know,
See the details below . SearchBox adds a text input field to your web page, in much the same way as Autocomplete. The differences are as follows: The main difference lies in the results that appear in the pick list.