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How to turn a python function into a pyspark udf?

Asked by Abner Escobar on Dec 10, 2021 FAQ

The only difference is that with PySpark UDFs I have to specify the output data type. As an example, I will create a PySpark dataframe from a pandas dataframe.
Pyspark UserDefindFunctions (UDFs) are an easy way to turn your ordinary python code into something scalable. There are two basic ways to make a UDF from a function. The first method is to explicitly define a udf that you can use as a pyspark function from pyspark.sql.types import StringType. Click to see full answer.
Besides, Pyspark UserDefindFunctions (UDFs) are an easy way to turn your ordinary python code into something scalable. There are two basic ways to make a UDF from a function. The first method is to explicitly define a udf that you can use as a pyspark function from pyspark.sql.types import StringType
First step is to create the Python function or method that you want to register on to pyspark. Next step is to register a python function created in the previous step into spark context so that it is visible to spark SQL during execution.
In addition,
PySpark SQL provides several predefined common functions and many more new functions are added with every release. hence, It is best to check before you reinventing the wheel. When you creating UDF’s you need to design them very carefully otherwise you will come across optimization & performance issues.