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How to tag terraform content with terraform-enterprise?

Asked by Kyson Clements on Dec 13, 2021 FAQ

Tag Terraform Enterprise content with terraform-enterprise. Enterprise users are welcome to share experiences and best practices. Support questions will be redirected to support. Terraform Editor Integrations Discussion and Q&A for the Terraform Language Server, Visual Studio Code extension, and other editor integrations for Terraform.
The tags for the resource are wholly managed by Terraform except tag keys beginning with aws: as these are managed by AWS services and cannot typically be edited or deleted. Any non-AWS tags added to the VPC outside of Terraform will be proposed for removal on the next Terraform execution.
In fact, For Terraform Enterprise, go to https://<TFE HOSTNAME>/signup/account . If you used an invitation link to create your account, you will automatically join that organization and can start using Terraform Cloud's features right away.
Terraform Cloud modules should be semantically versioned, and pull their versioning information from repository release tags. To publish a module initially, at least one release tag must be present. Tags that don't look like version numbers are ignored. Version tags can optionally be prefixed with a v.
Do not commit a file named terraform.tfvars to version control, since Terraform Cloud will overwrite it. (Note that you shouldn't check in terraform.tfvars even when running Terraform solely on the command line.) Terraform Cloud performs Terraform runs on disposable Linux worker VMs using a POSIX-compatible shell.