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How to subtract one arraylist from another arraylist?

Asked by Olive Cordova on Nov 29, 2021 FAQ

I have two arrayLists and I am trying to "subtract" one arrayList from another. For example, if I have one arrayList [1,2,3] and I am trying to subtract [0, 2, 4] the resulting arrayList should be [1,3].
In respect to this,
How to Add all the Elements of One ArrayList to Another ArrayList in Java? To add all the elements of an ArrayList to this ArrayList in Java, you can use ArrayList.addAll () method. Pass the ArrayList, you would like to add to this ArrayList, as argument to addAll () method.
Moreover, In order to copy elements of ArrayList to another ArrayList, we use the Collections.copy () method. It is used to copy all elements of a collection into another. Declaration −The java.util.Collections.copy () method is declared as follows − public static <T> void copy (List<? super T> dest,Lis<? extends T> src)
Keeping this in consideration,
This statement creates an ArrayList with the name alist with type “String”. The type determines which type of elements the list will have. Since this list is of “String” type, the elements that are going to be added to this list will be of type “String”. Similarly we can create ArrayList that accepts int elements.
In fact,
We have discussed that an array of ArrayList is not possible without warning. A better idea is to use ArrayList of ArrayList. Attention reader! Don’t stop learning now.