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How to setup session idle timeout ( inactivity timeout )?

Asked by Gordon Reeves on Dec 13, 2021 FAQ

1.Configure the timeout value in the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file with below parameter values. 2. Restart the ssh service after setting the values. This would make the session timeout in 10 minutes as the ClientAliveCountMax value is multiplied by the ClientAliveInterval value.
In this manner,
The value you are setting in the timeout attribute is the one of the correct ways to set the session timeout value. The timeout attribute specifies the number of minutes a session can be idle before it is abandoned.
One may also ask, To change the value, follow these steps: Select System administration > Setup > System parameters to open the System parameters page. On the General tab, in the Session management section, enter a value in the Session inactivity timeout in minutes field.
On the Settings tab, under the ICA section, highlight Server Limits. Click Add in Server idle timer interva l, and configure the preferred timeout value in milliseconds (60,000 milliseconds = 1 minute). Click OK and Next.
To avoid this condition, we recommend that you set the ClientServicesKeepAliveInterval to half the value of the load balancer’s idle timeout setting. The idle timeout on Azure is around 4 minutes, so the default setting of ClientServicesKeepAliveInterval (2 minutes) should be sufficient.