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How to set permissions in permissions.yml?

Asked by Paulina Stein on Dec 09, 2021 FAQ

go into *root directory*/plugins/*your permissions plugin folder* and search the permissions config file (with PermissionsBukkit its called config.yml) and set your permissions. For example i added my config
Its main function is to group permission nodes together into one file so that it can be used across the system by permissions plugins (and plugins utilising permissions alike). Server admins can assign nodes to be children of another node which means that any person given a node with children will inherit those child permissions as well.
Additionally, Warning: Permissions.yml is NOT a replacement Permission awarding/checking system and any permissions should continue to be handled by a plugin. Permissions.yml is the default permission definition YAML file, automatically generated on startup.
Download a permissions Plugin (I am using PermissionsBukkit) and the superpermbridge Plugin "install" them both Go into your root directory and search for the server config file (in my its called bukkit.yml)
In the plugin.yml, define the permissions. Call them whatever the hell you want (typically something like yourpluginsname.somenode, e.g. Now, when a command is issued, let's call it test, you check if the player has the permission.