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How to see the real url of a tiny url?

Asked by Giuliana Hill on Dec 14, 2021 FAQ

Enter short URL. Example: or This tool will show the real URL for every url shortener. Click directly on the original URL instead of the short one.
One may also ask,
What is a URL URL (or URL-address) is a special form of individual address of a certain resource on the Internet . It can refer to the website, some particular document, or an image. The Internet user just needs to insert this code into the location bar to find the needed website, document, folder, or image.
Accordingly, Represents the parsed URL. See more... Since a router state is a tree, and the URL is nothing but a serialized state, the URL is a serialized tree. UrlTree is a data structure that provides a lot of affordances in dealing with URLs There are no parameters.
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URL merupakan kependekan dari “Uniform Resource Locator” merupakan serangkaian karakter (angka, huruf dan simbol) menurut standar tang sudah di tentukan, yang guanya untuk menunjukan suatu alamat atau sumber yang terdapat di internet misalnya seperti file, dokumen dan gambar.