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How to secure your websocket connections by mehul mohan?

Asked by Wrenley Kaur on Dec 14, 2021 FAQ

(Just like you have access to req object for HTTP requests.) This is a no-brainer, but still needs to be said. Use wss:// instead of ws://. This adds a security layer over your communication. Use a server like Nginx for reverse proxying websockets and enable SSL over them.
WebSocket is a relatively new technology that enables a persistent connection between client and server over TCP protocol. In other words, it allows bi-directional socket connections to a server, where both server and client can send the data at any time. It is available in HTML5 and JavaScript and is fully explained here.
Besides, This is a no-brainer, but still needs to be said. Use wss:// instead of ws://. This adds a security layer over your communication. Use a server like Nginx for reverse proxying websockets and enable SSL over them. Setting up Nginx would be a whole another tutorial.
The WebSocket constructor accepts one required and one optional parameter: The URL to which to connect; this should be the URL to which the WebSocket server will respond. This should use the URL scheme wss://, although some software may allow you to use the insecure ws:// for local connections.
Establishing a WebSocket relies on the HTTP Upgrade mechanism, so the request for the protocol upgrade is implicit when we address the web server as ws:// or wss:// Once you've opened your connection, you can begin transmitting data to the server.