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How to query multiple sheets in google sheets?

Asked by Keilani Glenn on Dec 04, 2021 FAQ

If you need to query multiple sheets in Google Sheets, meaning that you want to select data from several different tabs of a spreadsheet, then feel free to use the below example: =query({'data from Airtable'!A1:L; Sheet1!A1:L; Sheet2!A1:L}, "select * where Col1 is not null")
How to use Google Sheets Query Select All Columns If you want to select all the data in the data set (meaning the table retrieved will have all the columns) then put an * after SELECT: =QUERY (A1:G15, “SELECT *”) How to use Google Sheets Query Select Multiple Columns
In addition, Of course, there is no such command. But in Google Sheets, you can consolidate data from multiple Sheets using formula. Don’t write off Google Sheets! There is a powerful function in Google Sheets to do data consolidation in a much better way!
Like a typical SQL query, the QUERY function selects the columns to display (SELECT) and identifies the parameters for the search (WHERE). It returns columns A, B, C, and E, providing a list of all matching rows in which the value in column E (“Attended Training”) is a text string containing “No.”
When you want to combine two Query results in Google Sheets, you may want to consider many things. You can combine two Query outputs vertically or horizontally. Combining two or more Query results won’t work correctly if either of the Query returns #N/A error (Query completed with an empty output).