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How to parse the facebook sdk and parse?

Asked by Dennis Matthews on Dec 09, 2021 FAQ

Facebook SDK and Parse Linking Users Signing Up and Logging In Custom Authentication Module Sessions SessionProperties Handling Invalid Session Token Error SessionSecurity Roles Parse.RoleProperties Security for Role Objects Role Based Security for Other Objects
In respect to this,
A cell providing a text field to submit a new comment. The view controller segues are simple push segues. In order to use Facebook and Parse in your app, you will need to include the appropriate SDKs in your build. Head over to and select Download the latest SDK.
Similarly, In Finder, locate Parse.framework and drag it into the Frameworks section of your project. Just as with the Facebook SDK, Parse requires a few other Frameworks and Libraries to be included in the project. Okay, admittedly, it’s more than a few.
Run "composer install" to download the SDK and set up the autoloader, and then require it from your PHP script: You can clone down this sdk using your favorite github client, or via the terminal. You can then include the autoload.php file in your code to automatically load the Parse SDK classes.
JavaScript SDK: FB.XFBML.parse() This function parses and renders XFBML markup in a document on the fly. This could be used if you send XFBML from your server via ajax and want to render it client side. XFBML enables you to incorporate FBML into your websites and IFrame applications.