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How to make a table markdown in markdown?

Asked by Jabari Cuevas on Dec 10, 2021 FAQ

1 A table in markdown consists of two parts. The header The rows of data in the table 2 Individual columns in a table are separated by a pipe character: |. 3 Rows in the table are separated by line breaks. 4 HTML tags can be used for additional formatting inside individual cells.
In fact,
As the official Markdown documentation states, Markdown does not provide any special syntax for tables. Instead it uses HTML <table> syntax. But there exist Markdown syntax extensions which provide additional syntax for creating simple tables.
Keeping this in consideration, Markup Editor allows you to add markups, comments and call-out text annotations on both Web and iOS platforms. You can e-mail a PDF of these markups for editing, retouching, and layout purposes.
Available only in APIv4. Render text using GitLab Flavored Markdown. Default is false Use project as a context when creating references using GitLab Flavored Markdown. Authentication is required if a project is not public.
GitLab Flavored Markdown extends standard Markdown Standard Markdown Extended Markdown in GitLab blockquotes multi-line blockquotes code blocks colored code and syntax highlighting emphasis multiple underscores in words headers linkable Header IDs 3 more rows ...