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How to learn about pipelines in scikit-learn?

Asked by Kathryn Nunez on Dec 11, 2021 FAQ

You can learn more about Pipelines in scikit-learn by reading the Pipeline section of the user guide. You can also review the API documentation for the Pipeline and FeatureUnion classes in the pipeline module. Need help with Machine Learning in Python? Take my free 2-week email course and discover data prep, algorithms and more (with code).
Scikit-learn is a powerful tool for machine learning, provides a feature for handling such pipes under the sklearn.pipeline module called Pipeline. List of (name, transform) tuples (implementing fit/transform) that are chained, in the order in which they are chained, with the last object an estimator.
Additionally, An alternate to this is creating a machine learning pipeline that remembers the complete set of preprocessing steps in the exact same order. So that whenever any new data point is introduced, the machine learning pipeline performs the steps as defined and uses the machine learning model to predict the target variable.
Also Know,
You can deploy and serve scikit-learn pipelines on AI Platform Prediction. The Pipeline module in scikit-learn enables you to apply multiple data transformations before training with an estimator. This encapsulates multiple steps in data processing and ensures that the same training data is used in each step.
Python scikit-learn provides a Pipeline utility to help automate machine learning workflows. Pipelines work by allowing for a linear sequence of data transforms to be chained together culminating in a modeling process that can be evaluated.