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How to know which module to load in requirejs?

Asked by Mary Macias on Dec 10, 2021 FAQ

It is used by RequireJS to know which module to load in your application. To include the Require.js file, you need to add the script tag in the html file. Within the script tag, add the data-main attribute to load the module. This can be taken as the main entry point to your application.
RequireJS is one of the most popular frameworks around for managing dependencies between modules. This tutorial examines the need for modularized code, and shows how RequireJS can help. Large applications often require a number of JavaScript files.
One may also ask, RequireJS uses Asynchronous Module Loading (AMD) for loading files. Each dependent module will start loading through asynchronous requests in the given order. Even though the file order is considered, we cannot guarantee that the first file is loaded before the second file due to the asynchronous nature.
If you now create a local node_modules directory and put a find-me.js in there, the require ('find-me') line will find it. If another find-me.js file existed in any of the other paths, for example, if we have a node_modules directory under the home directory and we have a different find-me.js file in there:
RequireJS is a well known JavaScript module and file loader which is supported in the latest versions of popular browsers. In RequireJS we separate code into modules which each handle a single responsibility. Additionally, dependencies need to be configured when loading files. Let’s get started by downloading RequireJS.