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How to install nuget packages in cli.nuget?

Asked by Issac Long on Dec 08, 2021 FAQ

Use the following command to install a NuGet package to the packages folder. cli. nuget install <packageID> -OutputDirectory packages. To install the Newtonsoft.json package to the packages folder, use the following command: cli. nuget install Newtonsoft.Json -OutputDirectory packages.
To deploy nuget packages locally, open Visual Studio. Select Package Manager Settings from Tools > NuGet Package Manager menu . It will display the Visual Studio options dialog. Select the Package Sources item. In the Window, click on + button. Now select the newly added item and modify the name and location, you can provide folder locations here.
Indeed, There are two common ways to install local .nupkg nuget package in Visual Studio. Step1: Note down path of your local NUGET package. Step2: Open NUGET manager by right click on project and click setting wheel as highlighted in below image. Step3: Click on Add button to add new NUGET source for VS.
Quick solution for Visual Studio users Select the Tools > NuGet Package Manager > Package Manager Settings menu command. Set both options under Package Restore. Select OK. Build your project again.
In fact,
NuGet is a package manager for developers . It enables developers to share and consume useful code . A NuGet package is a single ZIP file that bears a .nupack or .nupkg filename extension and contains .NET assemblies and their needed files. NuGet was initially distributed as a Visual Studio extension.