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How to get response from webview after send the?

Asked by Riley Dunn on Dec 14, 2021 FAQ

In Web application we receive requests (POST method) from clients and redirect to a success or failure URL depending on the outcome. Now problem with Android application: Using Webview I am sending same request to server. my code is executing but I don't know few things.
You should be able to control all your headers by skipping loadUrl and writing your own loadPage using Java's HttpURLConnection. Then view the headers, do your thing, and use the webview's loadData to display the response.
In fact, On Android, this can only be used with POST requests. html (string) - A static HTML page to display in the WebView. baseUrl (string) - The base URL to be used for any relative links in the HTML. Controls whether to adjust the content inset for web views that are placed behind a navigation bar, tab bar, or toolbar.
... When an instance of WebView attempts to load a page that has been classified by Google as a known threat, the WebView by default shows an interstitial that warns users of the known threat. This screen gives users the option to load the URL anyway or return to a previous page that's safe.
In addition,
WebResourceRequested is raised when the WebView is performing a URL request to a matching URL and resource context filter that was added with AddWebResourceRequestedFilter (String, CoreWebView2WebResourceContext).