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How to get a list of options of the clang compiler?

Asked by Jade Burton on Nov 30, 2021 FAQ

To get a list of options of the clang compiler, use: To specify the target, use -triple: where "vendor" and "os" should be replaced with the actual vendor and OS name. It can also be replaced with unknown. -triple is a string of the form ARCHITECTURE-VENDOR-OS or ARCHITECTURE-VENDOR-OS-ENVIRONMENT.
In this manner,
clang is a C, C++, and Objective-C compiler which encompasses preprocessing, parsing, optimization, code generation, assembly, and linking. Depending on which high-level mode setting is passed, Clang will stop before doing a full link.
Likewise, Command-Line Options The /clang: Option The /Zc:dllexportInlines- Option Finding Clang runtime libraries 1 The /clang: Option 2 The /Zc:dllexportInlines- Option 3 Finding Clang runtime libraries
To run syntax analysis on the file we can use the option -fsyntax-only. Once tokenized it parses the code to create an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST). To view the AST we can use the option -ast-dump. Here the -cc1 argument indicates the compiler front-end, and not the driver, should be run.
In LLVM the llc command compiles LLVM source inputs into assembly language for a specified architecture. This command will produce an assembly for the x86 64-bit architecture. Similarily if we want to directly generate the object file using clang we will use the -c option