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How to generate jenkins authentication token or jenkins api token?

Asked by Finley Crosby on Dec 06, 2021 FAQ

In the following steps i will show you how to generate Jenkins authentication token or Jenkins API token. another one is using rest api. go to manage Jenkins=>manage users=> here you can see all the users list. In the image you can see i have devops user in my jenkins server.
In this page we can generate jenkins api token. In API token section click on add new token. give any name to token here i given token name as my-token. That’s it we have successfully generated jenkins api token for devops user. we can generate Jenkins Authentication Token Using Rest Api.
Subsequently, In user credential authentication, you can either pass the usename+password or username+token. To access the token for your username, login with your user account, navigate to Manage Jenkins -> Manage Users ->Select User name -> Click Add New Token ->Give Token Name -> Click generate. This will display token for your user.
As for credentials for Jenkins Github Plugin, please be aware only Personal access tokens are now accepted by this plugin. To generate such a token, follow the Github docs (e.g. here ). Don't save it, it can be regenerated in Github and updated in Jenkins if lost or when migrating to a different server.
If you create an APIToken on a Master, you may think that everything is fine because the token does work and is visible in the Jenkins UI, but this will only work as long as you don’t logout from Jenkins. Retrieve the token. It won’t be displayed again so if you lose it you will have to delete it and recreate it