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How to evaluate piecewise polynomial in matlab matlab?

Asked by Madilynn Cherry on Dec 07, 2021 FAQ

Piecewise polynomial, specified as a structure. You can create pp using spline, pchip, makima, interp1, or the spline utility function mkpp. Query points, specified as a vector or array. xq specifies the points where ppval evaluates the piecewise polynomial. Piecewise polynomial values at query points, returned as a vector, matrix, or array.
Also Know,
To define a piecewise constant polynomial, coefs must be a column vector or d must have at least two elements. If you provide d and d is 1 , then d must be a constant. Otherwise, if the input to ppval is nonscalar, then the shape of the output of ppval can differ from ppval in MATLAB.
Subsequently, After entering the polynomial into MATLAB® as a vector, use the polyval function to evaluate the polynomial at a specific value. Use polyval to evaluate . Alternatively, you can evaluate a polynomial in a matrix sense using polyvalm.
This vector is an optional output from [p,S,mu] = polyfit (x,y,n) that is used to improve the numerical properties of fitting and evaluating the polynomial p . The value mu (1) is mean (x), and mu (2) is std (x). These values are used to center the query points in x at zero with unit standard deviation.
y = polyval (p,x, [],mu) or [y,delta] = polyval (p,x,S,mu) use the optional output mu produced by polyfit to center and scale the data. mu (1) is mean (x), and mu (2) is std (x). Using these values, polyval centers x at zero and scales it to have unit standard deviation,