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How to create a multiline textbox

Asked by John Garza on Dec 13, 2021 FAQ

<TextBox Name="tbMultiLine" TextWrapping="Wrap" AcceptsReturn="True" VerticalScrollBarVisibility="Visible" > This TextBox will allow the user to enter multiple lines of text. When the RETURN key is pressed, or when typed text reaches the edge of the text box, a new line is automatically inserted. </TextBox>
One may also ask,
By default, a TextBox control accepts input in a single line only. To make it multi-line, you need to set Multiline property to true. By default, the Multiline property is false. When you drag and drop a TextBox control from Toolbox to a Form, you cannot change the height of a TextBox control.
Moreover, We can create a TextBox control using a Forms designer at design-time or using the TextBox class in code at run-time (also known as dynamically). To create a TextBox control at design-time, you simply drag and drop a TextBox control from Toolbox to a Form in Visual Studio.
In a Multiline TextBox control, you need to press CTRL+ENTER to create a new line. The AcceptsReturn property sets TextBox control to move to new line by simply pressing ENTER key. By default, AcceptsReturn property of a TextBox control is false.
The TextBox Control allows you to enter text on your form during runtime. The default setting is that it will accept only one line of text, but you can modify it to accept multiple lines. You can even include scroll bars into your TextBox Control. What is TextBox Control?