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How to create a graphql sandbox in gitlab?

Asked by Livia Decker on Dec 04, 2021 FAQ

Create the gitlab-org group with a project called graphql-sandbox under it. Create several issues in the project. Edit the queries to replace gitlab-org/graphql-sandbox with your own group and project. Refer to running GraphiQL for more information.
One may also ask,
The GitLab GraphQL API can be used to perform: Queries for data retrieval. Mutations for creating, updating, and deleting data. In the GitLab GraphQL API, id refers to a Global ID, which is an object identifier in the format of "gid://gitlab/Issue/123".
Accordingly, By default, the GitLab GraphQL API returns 100 records per page. To change this behavior, use first or last arguments. Both arguments take a value, so first: 10 returns the first ten records, and last: 10 the last ten records. There is a limit on how many records are returned per page, which is generally 100.
Just so,
Occasionally GitLab needs to change the GraphQL API in a way that is not backwards-compatible. These changes include the removal or renaming of fields, arguments or other parts of the schema.
GraphQL isn’t tied to any specific web framework or database engine and can be used with any technology that supports it. Let’s build an API for time tracking. Fire up Visual Studio and create a new project by clicking File>New Project select ASP.NET Core Web Application, and click Next.