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How to connect to my sharefile ftp account using an ftp client?

Asked by Luke Wilcox on Dec 03, 2021 FAQ

How to connect to my Sharefile FTP Account using an FTP client? If you have been given a Sharefile Account to access installers or licenses, please refer to the following Sharefile KB article on how to connect using a Windows or Linux machine using an FTP client:
Also Know,
Connecting to ShareFile. You can connect to ShareFile either via traditional FTP (port 21) or using an implicit SSL/TLS connection (port 990). For security, ShareFile only supports secure FTPS transfers, which are sent over SSL, and not SFTP transfers, which are sent over SSH.
Thereof, Connecting to your server using an FTP Client. If your using Filezilla, click file then site manager and enter your FTP details into the site manager and save them. Next time you need to connect to your server using your FTP client you can simply click connect.
If your using Filezilla, click file then site manager and enter your FTP details into the site manager and save them. Next time you need to connect to your server using your FTP client you can simply click connect. If your using FireFTP like me add your FTP login details to the window next to the connect button on the top left hand corner.
Just so,
Alternatively, type FTP and press Enter at the command prompt in Windows. From here, use the open command to connect to the server. Once you login, it takes you to the default directory. You can move to the one where you want to copy files to, and open it using the command.