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How to change icons and tray icons in gnome?

Asked by Jillian Guevara on Dec 05, 2021 FAQ

There are already flat white icons for Veracrypt in the Papirus theme ( /usr/share/icons/Papirus/24x24/panel ), that also seem to be ignored. There are a few things you need to understand.
Warning: On GNOME Shell, system tray icons are removed starting from 3.26. You’ll need to install the following extension (Or possibly other extensions) to re-enable the feature on your desktop. Otherwise, you won’t be able to see the indicator we are going to create here.
Similarly, Because applications that use tray icons typically run in the background, GNOME refers to the colourful carnival of competing icons as ‘status icons’ because, more or less, they relay the current application status. In GNOME 3.26, the GNOME legacy tray is gone. Entirely.
If you have apps installed that use status icons in the drawer, you’ll now see them in the GNOME top bar. You can use the same mouse actions on them as in the drawer. However, the way these icons use the mouse may not be the same as standard GNOME status icons.
Tray Icons Reloaded is a GNOME Shell extension which bring back Tray Icons to top panel, with additional features. >>> Read compatibility note on GitHub there is also bug reporting <<< Shell version… 40 3.38 3.36 Extension version…